Through the lightness and flexibility of the fabrics and the instant construction of the garments, the wearer is liberated from the tyranny of formal construction. In this way, the garments of Violent Joy are raw and honest by not shying away from imperfection and by conveying both joy and its aftermath: the ecstasy and the inevitable dishevelment and exhaustion.   

Photography, Tom Marshak

Model, Emily Emiru

Makeup artist, Yinhua Chen

This collection is literally the product of dance and movement: the garments originate from a collaboration with Julia Rusevica, a queer dancer who used her body to draw free-flowing shapes that were cut and draped to create the collection. The collection embraced ‘transcendental pattern cutting’, the instantaneous nature of it, and the uncertainty of its outcomes. It is a conscious effort to move away from conventional pattern cutting to more experimental and expressive ways of creating garments.

© 2022